Hispanic Safety Professionals of Utah

Who We Are

The Hispanic Safety Professionals of Utah (HSPU) is a dedicated group of bilingual Hispanic Occupational Safety professionals who are enthusiastic about promoting a safer work environment for the Spanish-Speaking working community in Utah. With over one hundred years of combined experience, our members have a deep understanding of both, Occupational Safety and Hispanic Culture. This allows us to bridge the gap between language, culture, and merge them into a Safer workplace.


Our primary motivation for forming the HSPU, it is to utilize our talents by promoting occupational safety among the Hispanic community by utilizing our expertise to create awareness on the importance of understanding, creating, improving, and embracing a workplace environment where Workplace Safety is a priority. Promoting a safety culture where the Latino/Hispanic community identify and understand the importance of implementing and follow safety standards, procedures, standards and to volunteer our expertise in Occupational Safety to the Hispanic community in Utah. We recognize that workplace safety is a crucial aspect of every job, and it becomes even more vital when language and cultural barriers prevent those workers to be safe at work. By offering our knowledge and understanding, we aim to make aware and help the Hispanic workforce in Utah to better comprehend their responsibilities in terms of Occupational Safety and reducing work-related accidents.

Mission Statement

Our mission at HSPU is clear:
Help reduce work-related accidents within the Hispanic workforce in Utah by sharing knowledge that is not only comprehensive but also easily understandable. We believe that every worker deserves access to safety information that transcends language and cultural barriers.


Educate Hispanic Workers during their Occupational Transition: Assist Hispanic workers who are transitioning to jobs in the United States from their home countries, by helping them adapt to these new work practices, leave behind any unsafe-habits brouth from their home countries.

Offer Occupational Safety Awareness from the Hispanic Perspective: We provide safety guidance tailored to Employers about the unique needs and cultural backgrounds of the Hispanic individuals and communities, making Occupational Safety culture more relatable and actionable.

Educate Hispanic workers on the OSHA Standards and their work responsibilities: We strive to help the Hispanic workforce in Utah understand and adhere to the Local, State, and Federal OSHA laws standards, ensuring their workplaces are safe and compliant with regulations.